Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Final Test: Solving the Ultimate Crime

Our ultimate test was one big crime scene investigation. When we first walked in we saw a bag of crack (not real of course), a shoe, a hairband, an earring, an ripped up note, a glass with fingerprints on it, and some blood. There were many different suspects. It was our job to figure out what took place and who did what. We all of a suddenly assumed it was a drug deal. Our team first examined the drugs. This means that it probably involved Sam Tilson, Kooladria Jones, and/or Mr. Popadines. But especially Kooladria because she was a woman and there was obviously a woman involved. We used common sense and came to the conclusion that a drug deal involves 2 people or more. We found the blood type to be AB. This further pointed out Kooladria. The writing looked a bit like Kooladria's and Mr. Kelly's handwriting. But with further examination we figured it was Mr. Kelly's handwriting. There were two samples of hair: some synthetic hair and a white males hair. Kooladria was a hair designer and had bullet proof hair. And the white male further pointed out Mr. Kelly. The fingerprint left at the scene was an ulnar loop which matched Mr. Kelly's fingerprints.

1C: Hair Sample #1 (Synthetic):

2C: Note, match to Mike Kelly's handwriting (Mike Kelly depicted below):

3C: Hair Sample #2: White Male:

4C: Blood Sample, AB (match to Kooladria Jones, shown below)

5C: Earring, fake gold, female:

6C: Shoe, female size 8:

7C: Fingerprint, Ulnar Loop (match to Mike Kelly):

8C: Bag of Potential Illegal Substance (Cocaine):

Tameika's Scenario:
Mike Kelly being a skilled chemist discovered how to make is own crack like substance. He needed more money for his chemistry lab so he decided to sell his crack. Knowing Kooladria he saw her as the perfect target. He invited Kooladria over and with her she had a envelope. Thinking there was cash inside Mike gave her the crack without looking inside. When he realized that in the envelope was just a note that said "Ha Ha Ha I love crack" he became infuriated and tried to suffocate Kooladria with a pillow thus knocking out her earring. Kooladria fought back by taking off her shoe and throwing it at Mike. While Mike was distracted Kooladria ran off and was shortly followed by Mike

Ari's Scenario:

Kooladiria Jones comes to Mike Kelly for cocaine (Exh. 8C). She enters the deserted warehouse and walks into the back rooms where Mike Kelly has a drug lab set up (in interrogation, Mike Kelly admitted to having a Masters Degree in chemistry). Mike Kelly hands over the drugs (Exh. 8C), however, when Kooladria cannot pay, he pushes her against the wall where she knocks her head against a cabinet (producing Exh. 1C). Kooladria Jones then begins to fight back against Mike Kelly, tearing out some of his hair (Exh. 3C) and also getting her earring torn out in the process (producing exhibits 4C and 5C). Kooladria Jones then proceeds to flee from the scene, leaving behind her shoe (Exh 6C). Later at the crime scene, forensic evidence analysts discovered a leftover beaker with Mike Kelly's fingerprints (Exh. 7C) and the drug lab's motto/title on a scrap of paper (Exh 2C).

Hamp's Scenario:
Mr. Kelly went to Kooladria, a well known hooker, and figured she was probably into drugs. And because of Kooladria's background of taking drugs she accepted. Mr. Kelly was very good at staying in the dark because he had no record. Kooladria accepted and began to bargain with Mr. Kelly. Mr. Kelly, upset from losing his tennis match, was not willing to be ripped of and said "NO! EITHER YOU HAVE THE MONEY OR YOU DON'T!" She said she didn't have the money but took the drugs anyway. When she did this Mr. Kelly viciously attacked Kooladria (he was also probably on drugs) and preceded to beat her and she got one good slap across his face with her nails. That was her chance and she took it: she ran. But leaving some of her belongings behind.

***Thanks to Tameika Young for the Pictures!

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