Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hair and Fiber: History/Techniques to Identify

During a crime, at least two people interact. When they interact, both of them take something away and leave something behind. In some movies you may see specialists analyzing hair and fibers through a microscope. Well since humans lose about 100 hairs a day, hairs are a perfect thing to find and use at a crime scene. It is very common for hair from the owners pet took transfer to the criminal and then to be left at the crime scene. Hair and fiber analysis has played an important role in solving crimes, used in the Leo Rank Trial of 1913 to match the hairs of the victim with the crime scene. Hair analysis was also used in the Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti to match hairs found in a cap to those taken from Sacco. Here are some links to famous criminal cases which involved the use of hair and fiber analysis:

There are also several different types of hairs that differentiate between cat hairs, dog hairs, human hairs, ect. Most comparisons of hair and fiber are done with a microscope, although fibers can be run through a spectrometer (spectroscopic analysis) to determine the unknown material. A forensic scientist will take hairs from the crime scene and samples from the suspects to try and make matches.Some of these distinctions between different hairs and fibers may be determined by what the outside looks like. This can be classified into three groups:




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