Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Handwriting: Inaccuracies in Analysis

Although handwriting analysis has been proven useful in forensic science, it has many shortcomings that can make its authority in investigations and court questionable. In the past, convincing forgeries have made people question the 'science' of handwriting analysis.

Amongst a very precise science like Forensics, handwriting analysis can appear more speculative than things like fingerprinting, hair and fiber analysis, and DNA analysis. Here are some reasons why handwriting analysis can be proved ineffective in an investigation:

-Handwriting, although hard to imitate, can be copied by a professional. There have been instances in the past where professionals have fooled analysts. Handwriting is not always the only thing forged--- paintings, currency, and government documents like passports have been forged in the past and can be used by criminals to cover their tracks.

-To correctly match handwriting to a person, you need a sample of that persons natural handwriting (called an exemplar). Exemplars can be hard to find, as it is difficult to match capitol letters, cursive, and print.

-Ransom notes can simply be printed from any computer in the world. Printers are now available on a huge (and occasionally public, like libraries and stores) scale.

-A persons handwriting will change with age and physical weakness.

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